About The Book
This book with the title “Quality of Work-life – A Service Perspective” aims at writing in the context of employee’s workplace challenges and their preferences to balance their quality of work-life (QWL). The book introduced priority wise dimensions to be considered by management to bring Quality of life among employees in which interns result in higher performance at the organization level. Managing Human Resources in the present competitive corporate world is a critical challenge. This book also presents the new reality that QWL is the shared responsibility, not only for the management and employees working in service sector organizations like banking and insurance companies. QWL must change continually and go forward from initial problem solving to an actual partnership between employer and employee. The QWL approach considers people as an ‘asset’ to the organization rather than as ‘costs’ which interns remain as control mechanism to manage people. It believes that people perform better when they are allowed to participate in managing their work and make decisions. This book focuses highly on QWL determinants namely working conditions, Compensation & Benefits, Human Relations, Work-life balance, and Employee Empowerment. For every employee working in public or private sector, managerial or non-managerial positions they expect the above said determinants should be practiced adequately in the workplace.
About The Author

Dr. Vijaya Lakshmi Pothuraju is currently working as Assistant Professor, Department of MBA, CMR College of Engineering & Technology (UGC Autonomous). Hyderabad, India. She has been in service for the past 12 Years. She contributed 24 research publications in National & International Journals. She has presented many research papers at National and International conferences. She successfully completed Faculty Development Programme at the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad and expert in conducting simulation business games, case method teaching, and Academic writing. She is a visiting faculty for few Engineering & Management Colleges. She is a Member of Indian Academicians and Researchers Association. She organized Management events at the national level.