About The Editor

Dr. Ismail Thamarasseri was born and grew up in Malappuram District, Kerala, India. He holds B.A., B.Ed., M.A. Sociology, M.A. English, M.Ed. and Ph.D. Education degrees. He has qualified UGC-NET (Education, Sociology, Adult Education) and Central Teacher Eligibility Test. He started his teaching career at Govt. Higher Secondary School, Cheriyamundam, Tirur, Kerala and later worked in Farook group of Educational Institutions Kottakkal, Kerala. Presently he is working as an Asst. Professor at Dept. of Education in Central University of Kashmir, India.
He is the author of several books and published extensively in reputed journals. He has presented various papers on different topics of education at National and International seminars. He is associated with many academic bodies and NGOs in different capacities. He can be mailed at ismailktkl@gmail.com