About The Editors

Dr. Anand Singh, is working as Professor, Fruit Science at Banda University of Agriculture and Technology, Banda (U.P.). He completed his M.Sc. & Ph.D., Fruit Science from ANDUAT, Ayodhya (U.P.) and worked as a Head & Senior Scientist at KVK-II, Sitapur (U.P.) & KVK Sitamarhi, Bihar. having vast experience of Extension, Research and Teaching. He is member of different societies & member of G.I. team of Allahabad Surkha, Guava. In the leadership of Mr. Singh KVK awarded as different forums and he successfully handled various research projects of state government, ICAR, DST, DBT, UPCST, NABARD, etc. He authored 20 research paper, several research articles, review papers, extension bulletins, booklets and delivered various Radio, T.V. talks and lectures in programmes.

Mr. Anjan Sarma, has completed his Bachelor’s degree in 2016 and Master’s degree in Agronomy in the year 2018 from Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat, Assam. He worked as a SRF in the project NICRA at KVK, Napamtill 2020. He is currently pursuing his PhD degree in Agronomy from Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat, Assam. He has published 2 research paper, 1 review article and 4 book chapter. His current research is on mitigation of greenhouse gases through water and nutrient management practices under different method of establishment in summer rice (Oryza sativa).

Ms. Gariyashi Tamuly, is working as a SMS, Agrometeorology under GKMS Scheme in KVK, Baksa under AAU, Jorhat, Assam. She previously worked as Senior Research Fellow in Cluster Frontline Demonstration in Pulses under NFSM in ICAR, Agricultural Technology Application Research Institute Zone-VI, Guwahati, Assam. She has completed B.Sc (Agri.) from Biswanath College of Agriculture, AAU, Assam and M.Sc (Agri.) in Agrometeorology from AAU, Jorhat, Assam. She has undergone many online training programme/course on Remote Sensing, GIS and GNSS along with other webinars. She has 3 research papers, 1 book as editor, 4 book chapters, 6 articles published in the form of leaflets and extension bulletins and 4 abstracts published in book of abstracts. Her research interest field is Temperature trend and Temperature Extremes in the Brahmaputra Valley of Assam. She has more than 4 years of experience in the farmers’ level dealing in training or awareness programme and also in formation of FPC as a nodal officer.

Mr. Koijam Koiremba, is currently pursuing Ph.D. (Horticulture), Floriculture in MIU, Imphal, Manipur. He has completed his graduation (B.Sc. Agriculture) from HNB University, Garhwal, Srinagar, and postgraduate (M.Sc. Agriculture) from Manipur University, Canchipur, Manipur. He has published two research papers in national and international journals. His research interests include the study of biofertilizers on floricultural crops and ornamental plants.

Ms. Laiphrakpam Pinky Chanu, has completed her graduation (B.Sc. Agriculture) from HNB University, Garhwal, Srinagar, and postgraduate (M.Sc. Agri.) from Manipur University, Canchipur, Manipur. She has participated in two National seminars and published two research papers. One review paper has also been submitted. She has been working as a guest faculty member at Lilong Haoreibi College, Lilong, Manipur. Her research interests include the study of the management of bacterial wilt in solanaceous crops and the use of bacteriophages as a biocontrol agent for bacterial diseases.