About The Authors

Dr. Somya Sharma, PG Student doing postgraduation in the department of orthodontics, school of dental sciences, Sharda university, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh. She has done her BDS from shool of dental sciences,Sharda university, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh. She has presented various papers and posters in PG conventions and national conferences.

Dr. Poonam Agrawal, Professor in school of dental sciences, Sharda university, Greater noida, Uttar pradesh. She did her graduation and postgraduation from prestigious King George Medical University, Lucknow. She has more than 20 years of clinical experience and has more than 20 research publications in various national and international journals.
About The Book
The state-of-the-art is the key to understand not only how we reach where we are but also to learn how to manage properly the torque, focusing on the technical and biomechanical purposes that led to the change of the torque values over time. In orthodontics the torque control is fundamental under a clinical point of view.
This book will be valuable in order to update the clinicians on the aspects that affect the torque under the biomechanical sight, helping them to understand how to managing it, following the “timeline changes” in the different techniques so that the Variable Prescription Orthodontic (VPO) would be a suitable tool in every clinical case.