The globalization phenomenon is more actual than ever, there are different levels of approach, point of view .Globalization has intimately connected to the information sharing, and often media is considered to be one of the rapid change vehicle. Expansion of this to various media outlets especially to the electronic media has been one of the most discussed and debated about. The oligopoly policy in the Indian media the ownership patterns, the content in the channels, working conditions of the management needs to be critically analyzed to see how the electronic media in India has changed over the years. The book mainly highlights the aspects on these lines which is justified by the empirical study which adds wide dimension to this very important topic in electronic media. This books gives a wider perspective of those burning issues in a detailed manner.
About The Authors

Dr. Sapna. M. S, presently working as the Associate Professor, with the department of Journalism and Communication, University of Mysore, basically hails from Mysore. Having completed her studies in the University of Mysore she has completed her 16 years of teaching and 8 years of research experience. Her Doctoral Thesis was on the broad theme of Corporate Communication. She has her specialization in Electronic Media, Corporate Communication and Social Media Studies. Till date she has guided 10 Ph.D. scholars on various media related topics. She was awarded the Indo –Srilankan Fellowship from the Srilankan embassy in 2018. She was also the recipient of Best Media Educator Award In 2018. She has visited countries such as Brazil, Srilankan, Maldives, Dubai, Philippines for her academic Activities. She has 30 articles written in various media journals and has presented about 70 papers in various international and national conferences. She has completed 2 projects of UGC-UPE and PMEB on the topics Community Radio and Police Communication respectively. Presently, she is working on a UNICEF project on Development Communication. She has been a contributor of lessons on mediatopics to organizations like IGNOU and SWAYAM.

Dr. Radhika. C. A was born and grew up in Mysore. She holds a B.A degree from Mount Carmel College, M.Sc. in Electronic Media from Sri Siddhartha Centre for Media Studies and Ph.D. from University of Mysore. She has qualified KSET from the University of Mysore. She started her teaching career at M. S. Ramaiah College of Arts, Science and Commerce and later worked with Surana Educational Institutions, Bengaluru. Presently she is working as an Assistant. Professor at Department of Journalism and Communication in St. Joseph’s Institutions, Bengaluru. She has presented 17 research papers in National and International seminars and published 10 research articles in reputed journals. She has also attended 25 workshops on Journalism and Communication. Her brain child is SAPNA – A mobile application, to deliver media studies with a difference. She is the coordinator of Young Communicators Club, a student wing of Public Relations Council of India, Executive Committee member of PRCI’s Bengaluru chapter, member of the editorial board of IJBST Journal group and many academic bodies and NGOs in different capacities. She is a recipient of Public Relation Council of India’s prestigious “Samvahana Award” for her innovative teaching methods. She is also conferred with National Education leadership Award 2019, for her excellence in Teaching. Her doctoral thesis has won ‘Best Thesis Award in Social Science Category’ by Indian Academicians and Research Association. She can be reached at : 26.radhika@gmail.com