This book is an outcome of extensive field data collection, laboratory analysis and software based modelling and spatial mapping of pollution levels in Kali river stretch and its surrounding agricultural soils passing through Aligarh district in U.P., executed under the M.Tech program in Hydraulic Structures (dissertation) submitted to the Civil Engineering Department, Aligarh Muslim University (AMU), Aligarh, in the year 2018. The study employs high resolution IRS (P6) LISS IV imagery for mapping the pollution levels in Kali river stretch as well as in the adjoining agricultural soils in terms of water quality index (WQI) and soil quality index (SQI) respectively. Multiple linear regression (MLR) and Polynomial regression (PR) analysis were followed through to examine the significant correlation between the formulated 35 spectral reflectance band combinations and WQI and SQI separately. The book attempts to present a holistic approach that would find its usefulness for planners and decision makers involved in the regeneration of highly polluted river regimes.
The book contains five chapters, wherein chapter 1 introduces the current scenario of Kali river water quality status and provides a brief outline on remote sensing technique. The chapter also highlights the aims and objectives framed to execute the study as well as summary of the motive actuating the need for the study. Chapter 2 discusses the related work undertaken by researchers at national and international level. Chapter3 provides an overview of the broad methodology adopted. Chapter 4 discusses the detailed results obtained and chapter 5 states the conclusions drawn and suggests possible directions for future research.
About The Authors

Dr. Saif Said obtained Ph.D from IIT Roorkee and is currently holding designation as Associate Professor in the department of Civil Engineering, Z. H. College of Engineering and Technology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh. He has more than 12 years of teaching and research experience in the areas of water resources engineering and remote sensing and GIS applications in water resources and environmental engineering. He is a fellow of the Indian Water Resources Society (IWRS), the Institution of Engineers (IE) and Indian Soil and Water Conservation Association (ISWCA). Dr. Said has published more than 50 research articles in journals of national and international repute and conferences.

Shadab Ali Khan completed his Master’s degree (M-Tech in Hydraulic structures) in 2018 from Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh and is currently perusing Doctoral program. His research interest includes GIS and remote sensing applications in water resources conservation and management.