About The Author

Dr. Renuka Ekanath Walunj has 8 years of Industrial experience and 9 years of teaching experience. She is a well-qualified faculty holding degrees of M.Com, M.Phil., M.B.S., and G.D.&C.A. She is awarded PhD. in Commerce in the subject of Business Law and also is a SET qualified faculty. Currently she is working as an Assistant Professor at STES, Sinhgad College of Science, Ambegaon (Bk). She is specialised in Finance, Auditing and Taxation.
She has published several research papers extensively on Investment and Tax Planning in recognised National and International UGC Care listed journals. She has written a chapter in an International edited book. Also, She has presented several research papers in National and International Conferences. She has edited a book titled as, “Changing Scenario in Teaching Pedagogy” with ISBN: 978-81-946375-1-6. She has also received a Third Rank Award at International Level for SWOC ( Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Challenges) Analysis Competition on Online Teaching. She got the National Level award ‘Shree Saibaba Nari Asmita Sanmman 2021’ for her contribution in the Education Sector on the occasion of International Women’s Day.