About The Editor

Dr. R. Nandakumar worked as Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science, R. V. Government College, University of Madras, India. His Research Interests are Network Security, Information Retrieval and web search. He has Published more than 15 research articles in International journals and Conferences.
About The Book
In modern years, the most developed wireless networks are Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANET) which is referred as the collection of independent, self-configuring devices such as mobile nodes connected through the wireless links. Due to the open nature, several challenges and issues were occurred. However, the major challenge in MANET was the packet level security in multiple levels. The network performance was degraded due to contravene in packet level security which causes high packet loss. To overcome this challenge, an Improved Security-Aware Packet Scheduling (ISAPS) algorithm was proposed for achieving high level security and effective packet scheduling. However, in ISAPS, the packets from the multiple nodes were considered as independent to each other. In addition, the computational complexity and energy consumption were high. The correlation of the multiple dependency packets were degraded the network performance due to representing the dependencies and scalability. The efficiency of security was less since the source node and their packets were easily identified by the attacker. Therefore, in this research, these issues are avoided by proposed inter and intra service dependencies based ISAPS algorithm. Furthermore, the anonymity concept is included with the security-aware packet scheduling algorithm for improving the efficiency of security by secure routing protocol.