About The Book
A smooth progression of the need drive goal motivated cycle and one’s role expectations don not always occurs in reality. Within every individual there are usually (1) a number of competing needs and roles, (2) a variety of ways that drives and roles can be expressed, (3) many types of barriers which can occur between the drive and the goal, and (4) both positive and negative aspects attached to desired goals. These complicate the human adaptation process in both work and family roles often results in conflict. The dynamics of interactive behavior of police personnel at individual, interpersonal, group and organizational level and the resulting conflict, plat an increasing important role in the analysis and study of police organization behavior. Although conflict and stress are conceptually similar, their effects in intraindividual level differs in frustration, role conflict and ambiguity. The broader organizational perspective of conflict can be found in both the classical and modern structures. Traditionally, the management of organizational conflict was based on simplistic assumptions where as modern approach is to assume the inevitability of conflict, recognize that it is not always bad for the organizations, and try to manage it effectively rather than merely try to eliminate it. Work family conflict, is an inter-role conflict in which work and family domain mutually incompatible, the participation of one role makes difficulties in the performance of other role. The need of balancing the two main domain pressures deserves the psychological wellbeing of human force, are discussed in this book. The antecedents and outcomes of work family conflict are enlisted along with the appropriate coping strategies. The exclusive role pressures of policing, the profession which are constantly affected by unsocial working hours and negative exposures are discussed here. This book has the potential to contribute to the research literature as well as the policing practice by identifying the most critical factors leading to work-to- family confAs a teacher and researcher, nothing is more gratifying than to get your point of view successfully across to your students. You get immense satisfaction when students score well in your subject. This book is designed for teaching, learning and prime introduction to radiological aspects in research view to students at advanced undergraduate or beginning graduate and postgraduate level, this textbook also provides an overview of nuclear physics before they delve into more specialized volumes. Physical concepts, mathematical formulation and observational data are combined in a balanced way to provide a unified treatment. Topics such as radiation measurements, detectors, essentials biomaterials, application and radiological physics behind between them provides prime importance which nicely arranged in chapter wise. While the emphasis is on developing the fundamentals thoroughly and recent important discoveries are highlighted at every stage.
The book coming out of eight years of teaching and research experience is highly lucid and students will pleasure to read. The book shows the necessity of safe and proper use of dose while dealing with. Gamma rays and X-rays are extensively used in the medical field for diagnosis and treatment of many diseases, such as cancer. With proper knowledge of the buildup of photons in human organs and tissues, energy-absorption in the human body can be carefully controlled. The results will also help in estimating safe dose levels for radiotherapy patients and For people who working with X-rays and gamma radiation, especially at reactors and nuclear power plants, the present studies on the energyabsorption coefficient of human organs and tissues will help them to take proper precautions, taking into account the photon buildup in human organs and tissues. Such studies could stimulate further theoretical and experimental developments, in particular close to absorption edges. It is hoped researchers would find it stimulating and engage themselves in optimizing this approach for practical applications in bio-nuclear physics. The contents have been arranged to emphasize the chronological evolution of the concepts.
About The Authors

Dr. Prashant Somnath Kore received his M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Physics with specialization of Nuclear Physics from Dr. Department of Physics, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad in 2017. He is currently working as Assistant Professor in Department of Physics in Mahatma Basweshwar College, Latur & teaching the Nuclear Physics, Statistical Mechanics, Electromagnetic Theory,Optics and Modern Physics subjects.Dr. Prashant has selected as Junior, Senior Research Fellow on Major Research Project funded by BRNS, BARC, Trombay, Mumbai. Dr. Prashant having 6years in Research and two years in teaching experience, his research interest are in Radiation Detection and instrumentation, Radiology, Nuclear and Particle Physics and having over 30 journals/conference papers/Technical Programs.

Dr. Pravina S. Ugile-Pawar has complete her Ph.D in Nuclear Physics and she is now an Associate Professor in the Department of Physics, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad (MS), India. Her research interests are gamma ray interaction studies, dosimetry, medical physics and nuclear medicine. She has completed two major research project. She has over 93 nos SCI / Scopus papers to her credit. Eight students have completed Ph.D and seven Ph.D students are currently working under her guidance.

Dr. Madhav N. Rode is Associate Professor at Vaidyanath College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Parli-Vaijnath, Dist. Beed, with close to 20 years of experience in academics and research. He received M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Physics from Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Maratwada University, Aurangabad, Maharashtra State. He has also working as a Member, Board of Studies and Research guide in Physics, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Maratwada University, Aurangabad, and his research is focused on Non-Linear optical crystals, Self frequency doubling crystals, NLO properties of Nano material’s and optical biosensors, radiation effects and defects in materials, nuclear technology and radiation protection, low-z materials, polymer materials. Four research students working under his guidance and two students already awarded Ph.D. degree under his supervision.
Two minor research projects sanctioned by UGC- New Delhi successfully completed. He has published more than 75 research papers in various National and International Journals of high repute and conferences.