About The Editor

Dr. Pranjal Pratim Dutta, an M.Com (ACF), PhD, MBA(HRM), LLB is currently working as Assistant Professor, Department of Accountancy, Golaghat Commerce College, Assam. He has 15 years of teaching and two and half years of administrative experience. He has contributed more than 20 research papers in National and International Journals. He has also contributed many Book Chapters.
Her research interests are focused on Strategic Human resources Management, Entrepreneurship, Marketing with a focus on emerging markets. She has published /presented /contributed more than 50 research papers in various National and International Journals and conferences. She has four edited book to her credit. Her edited books are Digital India- A Road Ahead (ISBN: 978-81-930He has one book on his credit so far and two are on card. He has edited two books to date. He has presented papers in 25 National and International Seminars and attended 17 Workshops. He has completed two research projects so far. He is supervising two research scholars under Dibrugarh University, Department of Commerce. He is a member of Board of Studies, Department of Commerce, Dibrugarh University and carrying out the responsibilities as coordinator of different academic and administrative work.