About The Authors

Dr. Suresh S. Kotagi, is Currently working as a lecturer in Economics at Sardar Veerangouda Patil, Mahila Vidya Peeth, Smt.M.J. Somani Arts and Commerce Degree College for women Hubli. And also he served as a Student welfare officer since 2020-21 to 2022-23. He obtained B.A., B.Ed., M.A in Economics and Ph.D. Degree in Economics from Karnatak University, Dharwad. He has more than 13 years of teaching experience at UG and PG level, and also he has 5 years of Research experience. He has published many articles in national and international journals; also he attended many seminars and conferences. Dr. Suresh S. Kotagi major field of specialization is Agricultural Economics.

Dr. N. S. Mugadur, is currently working as Assistant Professor (Selection Grade), P.G. Department of Economics, Karnatak University, Dharwad. He has more than 14 years’ of teaching experience and 18 years of research experience. Having obtained M.A. in 2001, M. Phil. in 2003 and Ph.D. Degree in 2009 He has also Awarded Post-Doctoral Fellowship for the Post-Doctoral Research during 2011-12 and 2012-13 sponsored by UGC, New Delhi.
He has completed 5 research projects and 3 are ongoing. Under his guidance successfully awarded Five Ph.D. candidates and 7 Ph. D. candidates are working. He has guided more than century PG Dissertation candidates for M.A. Economics, Department of Economics, Karnatak University, Dharwad. He has published more than 58 research papers and he attended 72 seminars and conferences at State and National levels in the country and also he presented 56 papers. In addition, he has also attended 28 workshops and participated in various research programmes. He has delivered more than 10 invited talks and he is Resource Person to many Workshop and training programmes conducted for the PG Students and research scholars. He has Member of BOS and BOE in various Universities of within and outside the State. He has collaborative research activities carried out in different Institutions. He has also been Coordinator of the Training Programme on Research Methodology and Application of Econometrics in Social Sciences Research, sponsored by ICSSR, New Delhi organized by the Department of Economics, Karnatak University, Dharwad in 2013. His core area of research has being “Econometrics” “Environmental Economics” and “Agricultural Economics”. Further, also working as a Warden, Shalmala Hostel, Karnatak University, Dharwad.
About The Book
Agriculture system plays a very important role in improving food and nutrition security. Agricultural practices have been carried out with irrational use of chemical inputs over the past four decades, which has resulted in not only the loss of natural habitat balance but also many hazards like soil erosion, depletion of ground water, soil salinization, pollution, genetic erosion, ill effects on the environment, reduced food quality, and an increased cost of cultivation. This book will help us in understanding the organic and Inorganic farming activities in Karnataka. The major topics covered in the book include introduction, review of literature and comparison of organic and Inorganic farming. Also it includes Socio-economic condition of both organic and inorganic farmers.
The subject matter has been presented in simple language with supported data and research findings. The book includes more than 67 tables, 20 figures and 3 charts. It is an excellent book for students of Economics, agriculture Economics and commerce. It is also a useful reading for policy makers and researchers.