About The Editor

Dr. N. Mukundan,
M.A. M.BA., SLET., M.Sc (Psy.) M.Phil., Ph.D.
Dr. N. Mukundan is an Assistant Professor of Economics cum Deputy Controller of Examinations, Government Arts College (Autonomous) Karur, Tamil Nadu.
Apart from the teaching and extension responsibilities, he has been engaged in research activities. He has obtained Post-graduate course from The American College, Madurai, M.Phil degree from Gandhigram Rural Institute-Deemed University, Gandhigram, and Ph.D from the Bharathidasan University, Trichy,Tamil nadu. He has cleared State Level Eligibility Test (SLET). He has served as lecturer in Economics in several reputed colleges. He is a talented and dedicated teacher. He also a life member of AET(Association of Economists of Tamilnadu).The Research Project sponsored by University Grants Commission, New Delhi,Tamilnadu Tamilnadu State Higher Education Council, Chennai and Malcolm and Elizabeth Adishaiah Trust, Chennai. adds to his credit. He has contributed several research papers in scholarly journals and published four books: Water Resources Management: Thrust and Challenges, (ed., 2005); Emerging Dimensions in Self-Help Groups,(ed.2008):Rural Development and Poverty Eradication in India,2009: Food Security: Facts and Issues,2013:Hehas presented papers in national seminars and conferences and organised the State level seminar and workshop sponsored by U.G.C. New Delhi. and ICSSR, Hyderabad. He has attended training course at national level important institutions viz., National Institute of Public Finance, New Delhi, V.V.Giri National Institute of Labour Studies, Noida, Madras School of Social Work, Chennai, Centre for Development Studies, Tiruvandrum, Centre for Multidisciplinary Development Research, Dharwad and Institute of Economic and Social Change, Bangalore. His main areas of interest include field-oriented empirical research on Rural Development, Environmental Economics, and Developmental Issues. He received the prestigious awards Viz.,
Rashtriya Vidhya Samman Puraskar(2013), Economic Growth Society of India, New Delhi
Young Economist Award (2017) Association of Economists of Tamilnadu, Tiruchirappalli
Malcolm Adidhaiah Award for Best Teacher in Economics (2017-18)
Kalvi Bharathi Award (2018-19) International Society For Lion’s Club
Excellent Co-ordinator Award.(2021) LRF Research Foundations, Muslim Arts College, Thiruvithancode, Kanyakumari Dt
And associated with Membership in Professional and academic bodies namely, Life Member in Association of Economists of Tamil nadu,Life Member in Association of Gernotology and Life Member in Indian Association for Research in National Income and Wealth. Dr.Mukundan has carved out a niche for himself among the student community and academic circles.
About The Book
Today, the newly emerging concept of "digital economy" is attractive to everyone because of the adoption of digital technology to transform services or businesses. Further, it will lead to changes in the shape of the global economy. The contents and coverage from various campus academics have shown how the impactions role of Digital economy made perceptible changes in the manual (non-digital) with digital ones. In this perspective, I strongly believe that this edited volume will be a very useful referral to students, researchers, and policy pundits. This editing book is an addition to my own venture, "Nuts and Bolts."