About The Editors

Dr Ravikant Swami, has a decorated and diverse educational background - a PhD in Management, MBA and Bachelors in Economics from prestigious universities in India, and certifications and trainings from B- schools like IIM Bangalore, IIM Calcutta and IIFT New Delhi. Dr Swami has an electic list of subjects at his command that credit him with the excellence of a multi-variate teaching style. He has published numerous research papers and supervised PhD thesis, dissertations at MPhil as well as MBA levels. He is the honorary director at Delhi Metropolitan Education and leads the management school with his guidance and inspiring style of teaching. He motivates a team of remarkable faculty to practise better teaching and assure better earning outcomes. His visionary attitude helps drive the institute a step closer to its mission each day.

Dr Poorva Ranjan, is a professor and head of DME Management School. She is a PhD in Retail Marketing Management and MBA in International Business Management from Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore [DAVV]. She is also a certified POSH (Prevention of Sexual Harrasment) trainer. She works closely with students for skill enhancement purposes in various areas like Digital Marketing, Microsoft 365 Tools, Entrepreneurship Development, Cyber Security and Google Tools, to name a few. A Google certified digital marketer, she specialises in Social Media Marketing and Content Development. Her areas of work/ teaching and research are Digital Marketing, Entrepreneurship Development, Mentoring, Retail Management and Skill-building.

Ms. Shanu Jain, Associated with Delhi Metropolitan Education, GGSIP University, as an Assistant professor teaching management students, Shanu is currently pursuing a PhD from the Department of Commerce, Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi. Passionate about teaching and research, especially in areas of consumer behaviour, she has attended various national and international conferences, FDPs and workshops. She is also the managing editor at DME Journal of Management and a member of the Research Cell at Delhi Metropolitan Education.
About The Book
Accessibility and availability of affordable healthcare services is always a challenge for various countries across the world and India is no exception. The socio-demographic and geographic conditions of our country further makes it challenging to provide healthcare in the remote areas. However the advancements in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have provided some solution and efforts are already underway to strengthen the health ecosystem in the country. The linkages between entrepreneurship and healthcare is the future as many companies are working towards health care projects driven by entrepreneurs.
This book throws light upon some notable healthcare startups in India that have paved a way for revolution in the country. With their innovative and digital-based technologies they are providing cutting edge solutions to the various types of medical problems faced by people across the country. The book will be of interest for the management and entrepreneurship students, professionals and practitioners in medical field and otherwise to comprehend the journey, growth, opportunities and challenges faced by these startups. It is interesting to witness that how entrepreneurship is moving healthcare forward and creating a global impact and improving the lives of millions.