About The Author

Dr. Raj Ankush Soshte, is presently working as Associate Professor, Accountancy and Co-ordinator Post Graduate Section at NSS College of Commerce and Economics, Tardeo, Mumbai. He has more than 18 years of teaching experience at UG Level and 12 years at PG Level. He has been awarded a Post – doctoral fellowship (USA). He was a member of the Ad-hoc Board of Studies in the Faculty of Commerce in the subject of Trade, Transport of Industry for two consecutive terms. He is also a member of the Board of studies in the subject of Accountancy in various autonomous colleges of University of Mumbai. He is also a member of the Research Advisory Committee of various colleges' Ph.D. Research Center. He is Post Graduate Recognised Teacher and Research Guide, University of Mumbai. He published many research papers in SCOPUS index, Web of Science, ABDC, UGC Care Listed Journals and various high impact factor peer reviewed Journals. He is also co-author of various books on his subject. He has been invited as a resource person at various State, National and International conferences/ workshops. He is the recipient of various awards, like recipient of Best Researcher Award, Young Social Scientist Award, National Talent Search Award by IAA, Rajeshri Shau Maharaj Award 2023, Kolhapur, Recipient of the most prestigious Bharatratna Dr. APJ abdul Kalam lifetime achievement award for his academic, research and educational contribution in the field of Higher education.
About The Book
Small Scale industries are considered an indication of economic progress and have stemmed and growth out of India’s own, Skills, resources, enterprises and culture. This sector is believed to be an elixir for all the ills of a developing economy like India. A developing economy in every case needs the presence of small scale industries. In a labor abundant and capital scare country like India, limited scope businesses have come to possess a huge situation in the arranged industrialization of the economy. Ever since the announcement of the Industrial Policy Resolution of 1948, limited scope ventures have involved a conspicuous spot in the general methodology of modern improvement in India. Successive Five Years Plans have designated expanding assets for the improvement of little enterprises. Considering the wealth of work, shortage of capital, and country nature of the economy, the inclination for little businesses is normal.
In the wake of globalization wave clearing across the nations, new open doors and difficulties have arisen for the small scale industries. Fitting strategies are expected to address these difficulties to support the development of Small Scale Industries. The Book mainly deals with to the small scale industries engaged in manufacturing and processing activities. The study is also confined to finance, investment and output aspects of small scale industries in Thane District of Maharashtra State. Conclusions, observations and suggestions have been made on the basis of analysis of data presented in the study on finance, investment and output aspects of the small scale industries in Thane District only. The Book throw lights on the various financial sources available to small scale industries in Thane District, which would help small entrepreneurs and financial institutions.