About The Authors

Dr. Bhavna Verma, has devoted her academic career to Agriculture particularly in Agriculture Entomology. She is presently working as a Senior Technical Officer (Entomology) in Directorate of Plant Protection Quarantine & Storage, PQS, Indore, MP. She did her B.Sc. (Ag) and M.Sc. (Ag) from college of agriculture Indore, RVSKVV University Gwalior. Thereafter, she did her Ph.D. from Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University of Social Sciences Dr Ambedkar Nagar Mhow, Indore, MP. She has a wide experience in research and she taught several courses of Entomology like Integrated pest management, Plant quarantine, Biological control, Bio agent, Crop pest, Taxonomy, Sericulture, Apiculture etc. She has received 5 awards from varous societies in the outstanding contribution of the relevant discipline, published 9 research papers, 2 books 14 articles, 4 pamphlets, 8 book chapters and 2 lead lectures. Dr. Bhavna has participated in many national and international conference and she has also organizing successfully 2 international conference as a Co-Organizing Secretary.

Mr. Kamal Tanwar, M.Sc., He is doing Ph. D. from Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University of Social Sciences Mhow, Dr. Ambedkar Nagar, Inside (MP). He did B.Sc. from R.B. (PG) College Agra, Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar University Agra and M.Sc. from Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences PRAYAGRAJ (UP). He has experience in Teaching and Research, He worked as a Guest Faculty in MGCGVV, Chitrakoot, Satna MP. And he taught several courses of Entomology and Pathology. He has recieved UGC Fellowship for Ph.D. Studies as well as recieved four another awards, Seven Reserch Papers, One book chapter and participated in many international and National conferences.

Dr. Aftarika Azmi, Ahmed was born on April 4th 1991 and working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Entomology, Mahatma Gandhi University of Horticulture & Forestry, Sankra, Patan, Durg (C.G.). She did B. Sc. (Agri.) from RVSKVV Gwalior (M.P.), M. Sc. (Agri. Entomology) from JNKVV Jabalpur (M.P.) and Ph. D. from BRUSS Mhow (Indore- M.P.) with highest percent in the university. Dr. Aftarika also serves as Teaching Associate in AKS University, Satan (M.P.), Assistant Professor cum Junior Scientist in BAU Ranchi (Jharkhand) and Assistant Professor cum Junior Scientist in Institute of Livestock Management, Lucknow (U.P.). She awarded with National Fellowship (MANF) in 2017. Dr. Aftarika received numerous prestigious international and national awards, including Young Scientist Award, Young Professional Award, Best Paper Award and Best Paper Presentation Award.

Dr. Wajid Hasan, PhD PDF, is devoted to research and extension activities in Agriculture Entomology. Dr Hasan is a Subject Matter Specialist in Entomology at KVK Jehanabad, Bihar Agricultural University in Bihar. He was awarded Dr DS Kothari UGC-Post Doctoral Fellow (PDF) in 2010, offered by the University Grant Commission of India. He holds a doctorate in Agricultural Entomology from GB Pant University of Agri & Tech, Pantnagar, UK, India. He has good terms with farmers, and he serves them as an adviser for plant protection measures. Dr Hasan has received eleven awards from several societies for his outstanding contribution to the relevant discipline. He has 63 research papers, 35 books, 56 book chapters, 42 popular articles, 140 success stories, 3 Practical Manuals, 16 success stories and 48 delivered lectures in different seminars/symposia/conferences/workshops and seven radio talks. Dr Hasan stayed as the chief organizer for eleven international conferences with more than three thousand participants each and managed a team of about three hundred co-organizers each. He has also organized 551 training programs for farmers, rural youth and agricultural professionals with 20450 participants. In addition, he has conducted three skill development training programs of 200 hours each and 43 On-Farm Trials (OFT). Dr Hasan has a lifetime membership in 6 scientific societies. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Agricultural and Applied Sciences (IJAAS) and an Editorial board member for 5 scientific International Journals.

Sanjay Vaishampayan, Joined J.N.K.V.V. Jabalpur in 1995 as Training Associate (Entomology) in Krishi Vigyan Kendra. Selected as Programme Coordinator K.V.K. in 2006. Recently posted as senior scientist (Entomology) at Directorate of Extension Services, J.N.K.V.V. Jabalpur. Obtained M.Sc. (Ag) degree in Entomology in 1989 from J.N.K.V.V. with gold medal and Ph.D. degree in Entomology in 1993 from Instt. of Agril. Sciences, Banaras Hindu University Varanasi (U.P.) with first position in the subject. Ph. D. thesis work was on migration behavior of three lepidopterous pest species (Heliothis armigera, Agrotis ipsilon and Plusia orichalcea) analyzing light trap catches. Earlier, during 1994-95, worked at I.A.R.I. regional station, Karnal. Published 40 research papers in reputed scientific journals and more than 140 technical bulletins. Research work on light trap continued and developed new designs of Solar powered light trap (SMV Traps) with UV-LED light source in collaboration with Aaditya Marketing Indore. These solar light traps are very effective for pest management and economical in farmers point of view.
About The Book
"Major Pests and Diseases of Spice Crops and Their Management" is a comprehensive guidebook designed to equip spice growers with the knowledge and strategies needed to protect their crops from the ravages of pests and diseases. Covering a wide array of spice crops including pepper, cinnamon, turmeric, ginger, cardamom, and cloves, this book provides essential insights into identification, prevention, and management techniques. Readers will learn to recognize common pests and diseases through clear descriptions and visual aids, enabling swift and accurate intervention. The book emphasizes an integrated approach to pest and disease management, incorporating ecological principles and sustainable practices. Real-world case studies and best practices offer valuable lessons from experienced growers. As climate change and emerging threats pose new challenges, this book serves as a vital resource for farmers, researchers, and extension agents seeking to safeguard spice crops and ensure the resilience and productivity of spice cultivation worldwide.