About The Editors

Devinder Singh Hooda (Ph.D), is faculty in Economics at Indira Gandhi University, Meerpur- Rewari (Haryana) India. He did his Ph.D degree in Economics from MDU Rohtak. Previously, he taught at Satyawati College (Eve), University of Delhi and Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak. He has an enriched teaching experience of 15 years to his credit in the area of microeconomics, international economics and public finance & policies. He has published more than 30 research papers in peer reviewed national and international journals of repute. He has presented more than 45 research papers in national and international conferences/seminars. Two doctoral degree and five M.Phil have been successfully awarded under his supervision.
He has participated in more than ten workshops/ FDPs/ refresher courses etc. Dr. Hooda successfully organized more than five conferences and workshops. His interest area of research is gender budgeting, public economics & policies and Issues in international economics. Recently he is working on Indian pharmaceutical industry and competitiveness. He has published 2 books, the one is ‘Management of Commercial Banks’ and the other is Gender Responsive Budgeting in India-Impact, Challenges and Future Directions. He has been the member of various academic and administrative bodies at IGU like member of Academic Council, University court member and CPC etc. Presently, he is the member of the Board of Post Graduate Studies & Research in Economics and member of Departmental Research Advisory Committee and IQAC/NAAC coordinator of Department. He is the life member of economic and professional bodies like Indian Economic Association, Indian Political Economy Association, Indian Health Economics & Policy Association, Society for Pathways to Sustainability.

Dr. Jasbir Singh, is an eminent scholar in the field of Economics and Money & Banking. He (Associate Prof. (Dy. Director) in Maharaja Surajmal Institute under IP university) is M.A Economics (specialization in Money and Banking), M. A Rural Development, MBA in IBM, M Phil in Eco. Ph D in Eco (in Banking), from M. D. University, UGC/NET qualified and 23 years teaching experience in MDU as well as IP university. He has published more than 100 research papers in Scopus, ABDC, UGC Care, national and international journals. He has presented more than 30 research papers in various national and international conferences.
He has attended more than 40 national and international seminar and conferences as like IIT Roorkee. He is Editor in- Chief of the African Journal on Economic and Development Polices (AJEDP) and Member of Editorial Board in Journal: International Invention Journal of Arts and Social Sciences (IIJASS), and in Journal: Comprehensive Research Journal of Management and Business Studies (CRJMBS). More than 13 students have completed their M. Phil and more than 10 students their Ph. D under his supervision. Four books have published.

Dr Namita Dixit, is a prolific academician and researcher. She completed her PhD (International Business) from Lucknow University in the year 2004. She has a rich experience of over 22 years in the industry, including four years in corporate – Xerox Corporation, USA, where she worked in strategy building for startups, NGOs, Institution Building, Accreditation Committee and Administration. She has presented research papers at various international and national conferences. She has published her research work in various journals, magazines and proceedings of repute. She has organized various International Conferences, Business Summits and Symposiums for various institutes.
Spearheading the International Business specialization, she collaborated with several universities and institutes in the US, Europe and the Middle East like IDRAC Business School, AISEC, Valparaiso University, GIIM and many more. She has also chaired technical sessions in various National & International Seminars/Conferences at various prestigious forums.
Her Major subject domains are International Business, Strategic Management, Business Environment and Managerial Economics
She is a Member of Editorial Advisory Board of:
1. International Journal of Advance & Innovative Research (2394-7780) Impact Factor: 7.36 ( UGC Approved Journal No 63571 ) http://iaraedu.com/about-journal/
2. International Journal of Research in Management & Social Science (2322-0899) Impact Factor: 6.45 http://www.empyreal.co.in/journal-current-issue.html.
She has Conducted Number of Faculty Development Programme in the areas of Data Analysis using SPSS and Improving Teaching Pedagogy
She has published a book titled, ‘Convergence of Social Innovation and Digital Transformation in Business’ having an ISBN: 978 -81-928555-5-4 by Cengage Publishing House India Pvt ltd headquartered in Boston, MA with an office hub located in San Francisco, CA.
She has contributed a chapter titled ‘A rational Analysis of Digital Intelligence in Boosting International Trade in the edited book “Digitalisation & Innovations in Business” having ISBN: 978-81-944813-1-7 by Empyreal Publishing House, and is available on publisher’s website www.editedbook.in

Priyanka Shirish Shinde, working as Assistant professor at Department of MBA, Indira College of Engineering and Management, Pune. Priyanka has 8 years of experience in teaching and Industry. She completed Postgraduation and Mphil from Shivaji University, Kolhapur and pursuing Ph.d in accountancy under Mumbai University.
She is enthusiastic about carrier and development of students along with their participation in aligned activities like social/ cultural functions, sports, and socio- economic responsibilities. She has awarded Most favourable teacher.
She has published 2 research papers 1 in UGC and 1 in SCOPUS as well as published a Book for IDOl, Mumbai University. She is having interest in research and Accountancy and Taxation. Seeking to learn more about Advance Agriculture like Polyhouse cultivation.

Santosh D Bendigeri, is presently working as Assistant Professor in the Department of Business Administration, SSMRV Degree College, Bangalore. Santosh has Master’s degree in Management with dual specialization Finance and Marketing, Master’s degree in commerce and Cleared KSET in commerce two times. Currently Pursing Ph.D. with Finance Specialization from Annamalai University of Tamilnadu. He is having both industry and teaching experience of over a 8 years. He is an active researcher and published research articles in National and International level journals.
About The Book
In an era of rapid technological advancement, shifting workforce demographics, and evolving societal expectations, the landscape of management is undergoing a profound transformation. "Leading the Future: Progressive Approaches to Modern Management" delves into the dynamic intersection of leadership, innovation, and management philosophy, guiding readers through a comprehensive exploration of novel strategies and perspectives that define effective leadership in the 21st century.
Overview: "Leading the Future" will prove to be a ground-breaking resource for leaders, managers, and aspiring professionals seeking to navigate the complex challenges posed by the modern business environment. This book transcends traditional management paradigms, offering a fresh perspective on how to lead organizations, teams, and individuals toward success. Drawing from a rich tapestry of real-world case studies, expert insights, and emerging trends, it equips readers with the knowledge and tools needed to thrive in an ever-evolving corporate world.