About The Book
Sree Narayana Guru was a tireless crusader for socials equality and fought against all sorts of discrimination prevalent against the down-trodden and the oppressed, in his times. One of the greatest social evils of the period was discrimination based on caste/creed – the untouchability. The Guru traveled far and wide with his missionary message to awaken the masses and guide them in the proper direction. In the memory of Sree Narayana Guru, the College Sree Narayana Guru College was founded in Coimbatore in the year 1994 in the policies of Guru Ji.This academic year 2019-2020 is a remarkable year in the history of the college where it celebrates the silver jubilee, as a part of the celebrations “COMMEMORATIVE LECTURE SERIES has been organized from 22/8/2019 to 31/8/2019.
About The Authors

Dr. D. Kalpana has specialized in the field of Marketing and Finance; she has worked with various institutions in various positions. She has produced 8 Doctorates under her guidance in the field of Management Studies. She has organized many National conferences and also addressed in the themes of corporate communication, Marketing and Human resources Management in various workshops. She has published 42 Papers in various Journals in the topics of Marketing, Human Resources Management, Finance and Logistics Management.

Dr. M. Thangavel has pursued PhD in Field of Micro biology from Bharathiar University, Coimbatore. His area of Specialization is Medical Micro Biology and Immunology. He has produced 6 PhD and 10 M.Phil .He has published more than 70 research papers in international and National Journals. He has authored two books titled “Micro Biology- Fundamental Approach”and“Micro biology for Nurses”. He has organized many National and International Conferences.