About The Editors

Dr. Sanjenbam Sher Singh, completed his Ph.D. in Agricultural Extension from College of Post Graduate Studies in Agricultural Sciences, Central Agricultural University (Imphal), Umiam, Meghalaya. He is currently working as Filed Officer in Rubber Board since 2013 and has huge experience working with farmers of Northeast India. He completed his Bachelor of Science in Agriculture in 2011 from Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat, Assam and his Master of Science (Agri.) in Agricultural Extension from Visva Bharati University, Santiniketan, West Bengal in the year 2013. He has cleared the ICAR ASRB NET and UGC NET examination. He has authored 7 research papers and 2 popular articles. He has also authored 3 books and 3 book chapter. He has delivered 2 AIR talks and 1 TV interview in DD Kishan.

Anadi Ranjan Saikia, is currently a Ph.D. research scholar and an ICAR- Senior Research Fellowship holder in department of Extension Education and Communication Management in Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat. He has completed his Master’s degree from Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana in 2020. He has cleared UGC NET and is also a UGC Junior Research Fellowship awardee. His research publications include 3 research papers in international journals. He also has authored 1 book and has published 2 book chapters.

Dr. Mrs. Saurabh, is working as Assistant Professor at Banda University of Agriculture and Technology, Banda (U.P.). She completed her Ph.D. in the Department of Clothing and Textiles from G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar (U.K.) and worked as a Subject Matter Specialist at KVK-II, Sitapur (U.P.) having vast experience of Extension, Research and Teaching. She handled various research projects funded by DST, NABARD, ICAR and In-house projects of the BUAT, Banda. She authored 15 research papers, numerous review papers, short communications, popular articles, extension bulletins, booklets etc. and delivered various T.V. and Radio talks.

Niranda Sharma Leihaothabam, is currently pursuing Ph.D. in Agricultural Extension at CPGS in Agricultural Sciences, Central Agricultural University (Imphal), Umiam, Meghalaya. She has completed her Master’s degree from Manipur University. She has published 3 International research papers and 1 book chapter. Currently, she is working to assess the effectiveness of soil conservation for the upland ginger farmers in Meghalaya by using Virtual Reality and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle data.

Rohit Hemam, obtained Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (2019) as State Nominee from College of Agriculture, Central Agricultural University, (Imphal), Kyrdemkulai, Meghalaya and Master of Science (Agri.) In Agricultural Extension from College of Post Graduate Studies in Agricultural Sciences, Central Agricultural University (Imphal), Umiam, Meghalaya in the year 2023.
About The Book
Agriculture, the cornerstone of human civilization, has continually evolved through the ages, adapting to changing landscapes, technologies, and global challenges. In this book, "Insights into Agricultural Extension," we embark on a journey that explores the pivotal role of agricultural extension in fostering growth, sustainability, and innovation in the world of agriculture. Agricultural extension, often regarded as the conduit between agricultural research and practice, stands as a testament to human ingenuity and adaptability. It bridges the knowledge gap, empowering farmers and communities with the latest insights, best practices, and technological advancements. This book serves as a window into the world of agricultural extension, offering an in-depth look at its significance and the enlightening path we are about to traverse. In the pages that follow, we delve into the heart of agricultural extension, unravelling its multifaceted dimensions. This book is tailored to be an accessible and comprehensive resource, catering to a wide audience ranging from students and practitioners to policymakers and all those intrigued by the dynamics of agriculture and its impact on society. Although many books are available on Agricultural Extension, Unfortunately, not many books are written by Indian authors. Therefore, student readers and researchers depend on foreign writers. Though the foreign books are of high standard, they reflect the cultural ethos of the countries in which they are written and published. A book for Indian students and researchers is needed which can help blend with the cultural anchorages of our people.
Insights into Agricultural Extension is a small attempt in this direction.
Therefore, the very purpose of this book is to find overall material or literature on Agricultural Extension/Extension Education for UG, PG and Ph.D. courses. This book will also be useful for teachers and farmers. We are sure the book will fulfill the requirements of students, researchers and farmers.