About The Author

Dr. Jaimine Anita Vaishnav, Dr. Jaimine Anita Vaishnav is a lecturer based in Mumbai. He has been teaching a myriad of subjects like Sociology, Psychology, Journalism, Entrepreneurship, and International Politics in various renowned institutes and universities, since 2012. His Ph.D. focused on the Politics of Geographical Economics between India and China, with a special focus on Border trade and the Informal economy, in India’s North-East region. He is an avid bibliophile, and vipassana practitioner, and ritually writes on the areas of mental health, human rights, Buddhism, and lived experiences on a few renowned platforms, followed by 24+ peer-reviewed published research papers. He can be contacted at jblesav@gmail.com, for further communication.
About The Book
Amid the brouhaha of globalization, this book is an ideal attempt to reflect on the nature of policies and qualities of glocalization (globalization with local touch). As known, India’s relationship with China took a heavy toll due to a war in 1962, and the repercussions are still seen in some form. Never in the history of both these powerful giants, there has been any major conflict except the daunting episode of the year 1962. On the contrary, both the economies in Asia are utterly obsessed to enrich their growth and development prospects. The region of North-East India has been historically a silk route for trade and cultural exchanges with China and other regions of the world. Conventionally, it holds a lot of opportunities for India and China to mutually defuse their geopolitical tensions and grimly introspect on the border trade policies of North-East India and the Tibetan region. This book, in its unique form, is a proven work with relevant data, facts, and suggestions to boost the trade policies and future ahead, in a liberal way.