About The Authors

Dr. Heramb Nayak is an eminent scholar in the field of Travel & Tourism, Hospitality and Management. He (Assistant Professor) in Maharaja Surajmal Institute under IP university) is MTA (specialization in Tourism), MBA in Marketing, M.A in Eng literature, Ph. D in Management, from Monad University, UGC/NET qualified and 22 years of Cooperate and teaching experience. He has published more than 25 research papers, UGC Care, national and international journals. He has presented more than 10 research papers in various national and international conferences. He has attended more than 21 national and international seminar and conferences. He has designed the course of Tourism, Travel & Hospitality for GGSIPU, Delhi University & Jamia Islamia Hamdard University.

Dr. Jasbir Singh is an eminent scholar in the field of Economics and Money & Banking. He (Associate Prof. (Dy. Director) in Maharaja Surajmal Institute under IP university) is M.A Economics (specialization in Money and Banking), M. A Rural Development, MBA in IBM, M Phil in Eco. Ph D in Eco (in Banking), from M. D. University, UGC/NET qualified and 23 years teaching experience in MDU as well as IP university. He has published more than 100 research papers in Scopus, ABDC, UGC Care, national and international journals. He has presented more than 30 research papers in various national and international conferences.
He has attended more than 40 national and international seminar and conferences as like IIT Roorkee. He is Editor in- Chief of the African Journal on Economic and Development Polices (AJEDP) and Member of Editorial Board in Journal: International Invention Journal of Arts and Social Sciences (IIJASS), and in Journal: Comprehensive Research Journal of Management and Business Studies (CRJMBS). More than 13 students have completed their M. Phil and more than 10 students their Ph. D under his supervision. Four books have published.
About The Book
The main objective of this book is to give awareness about the Tourism growth and development in Gujarat as well as India. How the different ways & type of marketing system is serving in the massive inflow of tourists in the study area. Other than above mentioned objectives the book also highlights that how the various resources are helping in the tourism development and how the tourism is helping in resource development and Income generation in the region. This highlights the changing dimensions of tourism industry. The Hospitality is the foundation to built-up tourism in India. The changing scenario from hospitality to leisure, recreation, nature-based ecotourism, environmental, sports etc. are the major features. Historically is the most important in tourist destinations among the coastal region of India. Every year a huge number of tourists visit other corners of the world in India, but its strength is not yet has been fully utilized due to the lack of information and advertisement. Gujarat offers many types of tourism: like Business Tourism, Archeological & Heritage Tourism, Cultural Tourism, Religious Tourism, Wildlife Tourism, Medical Tourism and much more. In the subsequent periods, the emergence of empire gave impetus to travel for political, business, social and religious reasons. Tourism today does not linger only to economic resource development, but it also includes social and political harmonious relations among people as well as countries and also more meaningfully to the natural world. Tourism is a commercial organization dealing with operating and holding a visit to places of interest. Tourism provides huge employment to the local people as well as national level. As tourism is a highly competitive industry the traveler has a wide range of choices and looks for good value for money.