About The Authors

Dr. Hasitkumar H. Nagariya
M.Com (Accountancy), MBA (Financial Management), PGDIM, PGDFM, DIM, GDCA&CHM, UGC-NET (Commerce), Ph.D. (Business Administration).
Dr. Hasitkumar Nagariya is a Assistant Professor at BMS department of The SIA College of Higher Education, Dombivili East, Mumbai. He has got Approval from Mumbai University for Graduation and Post Graduation Teaching.
He has been in teaching profession from last 17 Years in Commerce and Management field. He is having good command over Accountancy, Finance, Human Resource Management and other Management related Subjects. He has contributed, presented and published several research papers in the International, National and State level seminars and Conferences as well as in the reputed journals. He is awarded as Best Teacher Award by Rotary Club of Bhiwandi. He has also participated in World Record Event of Magic of Eleven - ABCD International Speakathone (Speaker Marathone around the Globe) by ABCD International Family and Bhabad International Publication on the topic ‘Spirituality’.

Dr. Kishor G. Nawale, M.Com. G.D.C&A., SET, Ph. D (Management)
Dr. Kishor Nawale is an Associate Professor of Commerce at Shri Shahu Mandir Mahavidyalaya, Pune. He has been in teaching profession since last 20 years and taught various subjects mainly Accountancy, Business Management, Business Finance, Capital Market and Financial Services, etc at both undergraduate and post graduate courses of Commerce.
He is a recognized Post Graduate teacher and also M.Phill and Ph.D Guide of Savitribai Phule Pune University. Besides this, he is also a head, Ph.D Research Center of Shri Shahu Mandir Mahavidyalaya. He has contributed, presented and published total 56 research papers in the International, National, State and Intercollegiate Level Seminars, Conferences and reputed Journals. He is member of B.O.S. and hold number of other important positions in the different fields.
About The Book
Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation is playing a major role in the growth of industrialization in Maharashtra. In fact, it plays role of balanced industrial development in all over Maharashtra. For this purpose, it assists by providing basic facilities to Industries in MIDC area like water supply, roads, streetlights, drainage, plot development, and other infrastructural facilities. It also encourages entrepreneurs in setting up industries at various locations.
Author has written this book which is based on surveys and fact finding enquires of different functioning aspects about MIDC units along with issues of established industries in the MIDC areas which need to be solved by MIDC units. Thus, the present book is written descriptively and also analytically. It is descriptive because thoughts are based on the state of affairs as it exists at present. It is also analytical type because author has used facts or information which was already available and made critical evaluation of the data.
The Present book discusses about the basic issues relating to its functioning and services i.e. issues relating to services and infrastructure facilities. The book will help to understand various problems of industrialists, employees, nearby villagers, etc. Author focused on lacunas in organizational and management aspects of MIDC which will help MIDC to concentrate on lacunas and grow rapidly.
The principal objective of writing this book is to present the in-depth information about the working, performance and contribution of MIDC units in the overall industrial development of Maharashtra in general and Thane District’s MIDC units in particular along with issues relating to various services and infrastructure facilities provided by MIDC and to suggest remedies to overcome these issues. Thus the present book is an outcome of study of organizational structure of MIDC, its growth and development, financial aspect with specific indicators, issues with respect to infrastructural services provided by MIDC.