About The Author

Shreya Dwivedi, was born in Raipur and has excelled in various academic fields with master’s degree in Economics as well as Mass communication and is presently pursuing her PhD in Mass Communication, A feather to her academic proficiency, she is also a renowned radio jockey with various firms including MY FM and FM Tadka, she is presently working with Kalinga University Raipur Chhattisgarh as a professor and has authored a large number of articles, and research papers in various national and international journals of repute reflecting her wide range of scholarship, her multifarious abilities has offered her an insight into various aspects pertaining to spheres of life, failures therein and its importance in ensuing the sweet sound of success. The book is her first publication in which she poured a major portion of her thoughts and views making it a noteworthy read.
About The Book
Have you ever noticed a confident CEOs generally suffer the worst career losses. Failure breeds success. Demonstrate young professionals are proud of their god-given gifts. You may be smart, creative, tech-savvy, or charming. But strange things happen when one's profession grows. Your future depends on more than your abilities. You're entering a vast, bizarre commercial realm. Many talented individuals think differently. Competition for finite resources. You may think of failure as, poor starts, rejection letters. First bad review. First speech mishap. First, large client rejection. Your first promotion denial.
You may have faced a lot of failures, and you may see few more, you never know, but as a successful professional, manager, executive, entrepreneur, or company leader depends on how much pain and loss you've endured and are ready to bear. This book shares the way to turn failures into success and to bounce back unfathomable misconceptions matter. It's a crucial success phase that everyone should experience. Yes. One of my bosses advised me to learn from my errors. It caused my demotion. His subject was beyond me. He erred. I got him after multiple failures.
Often. We forget that steve jobs wasn't a terrific leader until he salvaged apple (AAPL). Jobs was fired after 10 years of toxic management.
Jobs suffered. NeXT failed financially. "I didn't see it then," Jobs claimed, but it was his finest idea. Apple fired jobs. Clearly. Returning Apple CEO Steve was different. And many more such examples to read through the book.
This book will answer why firing may be the best thing for your career.
Jobs and other great ceos who overcame obstacles to progress are analogous to our problems. You won't reach your potential unless you solve that problem and change. Life is about mistakes. This book agrees with Two life lessons to be humbles. It's minor. Positive.
Gaining those two attributes was significant. Excellent.