About The Author

Dr. Supriya Chhikara, is an Associate Professor in Maharaja Surajmal Institute, an affiliate of Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University. She has a brilliant academic career. She obtained her Master degree in Commerce from Department of Commerce, Delhi School of Economics and M.Phil degree from Department of Business Economics, South Campus, University of Delhi. She did her Ph.D in 2006 from Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak in the area of Human Resource Management. She has a long experience of teaching both graduate and postgraduate courses. She has also published various research papers in National and International Journals and Conferences, workshop, Seminar etc. Her area of specialization includes organizational behavior, industrial relations and human resource management.
About The Book
A common impression of labour management relations is that they are generally unsatisfactory. Organizations are made or broken not by competition, technology, market and finance but by its people.Happy, satisfied, contented employees are the greatest and most invaluable assets in any organization.An unhappy, dissatisfied and discontented employee lacks will to work. Such employee practice all the dysfunctional behavior and is the greatest liability to the organization. He is aggrieved and wants to ventilate his feelings and reactions. Prompt and effective disposal of workers grievances is the key to industrial peace and harmonious inter-personal relations. An unsettled grievance is the embryo of more serious trouble to come because accumulation of minor grievances may lead to major explosions.
The book is an attempt to identify and suggest such an effective, flexible and simple procedure of settlement of grievance that can ensure the speedy redressal of the grievances and must be capable of ensuring a sense of satisfaction to the employee concerned. This is where the novelty of the present book lies.
The book is based on the comprehensive and intensive research of the concept and issues related to employee grievances, discovery of employee’s grievances and its impact on the organizations, approaches adopted, legislative framework of grievance settlement machinery, employee grievances settlement procedure and its effectiveness of 10 organizations / industries selected from three centers of Delhi, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh State.
The present work would be welcomed by the academic community, managers, union leaders, employers, planners and infact, by all those who are looking for leads to maintain healthy, trusting and positive relationship with its employees.