About The Author

Dr. Mohd Majid received his Bachelor of Engineering Degree in Mechanical Engineering in 1999 and Masters Degree in Industrial and Production in 2004 from ZHCET, A.M.U, Aligarh. He was awarded Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology, Longowal in March 2019. His research areas include Industrial & production, Welding and fabrication, Materials and Metallurgy, Surfacing. He is having a teaching and research experience of more than 15 years. He has published several research paper in different reputed and peer reviewed journals. He has attended various National and International conferences and published research papers in conference proceedings. Currently, He is working as Associate Professor in Department of Mechanical engineering at Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology, Longowal, Punjab, India. At present, He is supervising the research students working on improvement of properties of engineering alloys via process and procedural modifications, microstructure evolution of welds. He had been the member of various societies such as AWS and ASM international.
About The Book
See a world in which everything is produced more quickly, more effectively, and with less waste. That's the main focus of this book! To put it simply, it's a manual that explains how businesses can streamline processes and become more environmentally conscious.
We will explore the inner workings of factories and industries that produce the goods we use on a daily basis. We will reveal the tricks of productivity and creativity that these sectors employ to maintain seamless operations, from manufacturing automobiles to creating cellphones.
Have you ever wondered how one concept may transform a whole sector of the economy? We'll look at tales of innovative discoveries and cunning fixes that have revolutionised the production of things. It's similar to taking a look into inventors' heads to observe how their creations changed the course of history.
Big inventions aren't everything, though. We'll also discuss little adjustments that can have a significant effect. Significant increases in efficiency can be achieved by cutting back on waste, energy use, and finding more intelligent ways to complete activities.
This book will provide you with a greater understanding of how things are manufactured and how they might be made even better, whether you're a reader with a curious mind or someone who works in the manufacturing industry. So get set to discover the trade secrets of manufacturing and industry innovation and efficiency!