About The Editor

Dr. Tazyn Rahman is Associate Professor & Head Scholar's Program at Institute of Management Studies (IMS), Noida with close to thirteen years of experience in academics and industry. She holds a Ph.D. in Commerce from CCS University, Meerut and M.B.Awith specialization in HR and Marketing from Gauhati University. She was also a Programme Director of Management Development Programmes in “ Brand Management” conducted by Jaipuria School of Business, Ghaziabad.
She is the Editor - In - Chief of International Journal of Research in Management & Social Science and International Journal of Advance & Innovative Research which are an UGC approved journals. She has been conference convener of many international conferences. Her research interests are focused on Strategic Human resources Management, Entrepreneurship, Marketing with a focus on emerging markets. She has published /presented /contributed more than 50 research papers in various National and International Journals and conferences. She has prepared study materials in Organisation Structure and Design, Marketing Research, Production and Operations Management for a leading Management Institute. She has edited 4 books.