About The Book
The author has written more than one hundred and twenty five Research Papers, so far, in various International Research Journals, some of which have very high Impact Factor. At the same time, he has also presented a number of Research Papers in different International Seminars as well as Conferences. Some such select Research Papers have been published in this book, the majority of which have been published in several Journals by Empyreal Institution of Higher Education, the Institution which has published the same book. Indeed I am highly indebted to the publishers for this reason.
The book is divided into Four Sections, namely, Human Resource, Marketing, Legal Administration, Corporate Social Responsibility and Governance in India and Management Education. The first section on ‘Human Resource’ deals with relevant and Contemporary Issues in Personnel Management and Human Welfare. The second Section on ‘Marketing’ deals with many hard core concepts as well as legal aspects associated with Marketing. As the name suggests, the third Section deals with Legal Administration, Corporate Social Responsibility and overall Governance in India. The next Section explores burning current Trends in Management Education.
About The Authors

Prof. Dr. Dhananjay Awasarikar is a Professor at Suryadatta Institute of Management and Mass Communication, Pune. He is B. Com. L.L.B., D.B.M., M.M.S. and Ph. D. from University of Pune. He is an Approved Ph. D. Guide in Savitribai Phule Pune University and a Ph. D. Referee for Shri Jagdishiprasad Jhabarmal Tibrewala University, Chudela, Dist. Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan. He has Corporate Experience of 10 years from different Industries. He is teaching in the Management field since 1992 for last 26 years. He is a Co- author for a book on ‘Marketing Research.’
He has written five Study Materials on different Subjects like ‘Marketing Research,’ ‘Relationship Marketing.’ ‘Consumer Behaviour,’ ‘Rural Marketing’ and ‘Communication Skills and Personality Development.’ He has presented a number of Research Papers in National Conferences held throughout India. His 130 Research Papers have been published in International Journals, some of which have high Impact Factor and 160 articles and over 100 Letters are published in leading Regional News Papers.