About The Editors

Dr. B. V. Chalukya, is presently working as a Librarian at Shri Chhatrapati Shivaji College, Omerga, Dist. Osmanabad, Maharashtra. He is having 12Years’ experience of the Library & Information Science field as well as research. He has been completed MLISc & M.Phil, Ph.D in Library & Information Science in state universities. He has to his credit beside about 42 research papers published in the international & national journals, international & national Conferences.
He is Editorial Member of the 2 international Journals. He is an expertise in many of Library Automation softwares. His areas of Specialization are Information Communication Technology, use of computer system.

Mr. R. B. Pagore, working as a Librarian in Marathwada Shikshan Prasarak Mandal’s R. B. Attal Arts, Science and Commerce College, Georai Dist. Beed (MAH). He completed graduate and postgraduate from Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad Maharashtra. He has a more than 12years experience as Librarian and has more than 30 research papers published in the international & national journals, international & national Conferences.
He has attended national, International conference/Seminar and workshops related to Library and information Science. He is also a member Editorial Board for 6 Special Issues of Journals and 2 Edited Books
About The Books
The use of ICTs is potentially beneficial to development as it encourages the sharing of information and the effective involvement by social groups at various levels, offering, in particular, the possibility of networking individuals and systems. The participatory aspect of community life is thus strengthened, as are relations with authorities, at all levels. ICTs hold the potential to foster hitherto unknown types of engagement, contacts and interaction among individuals, peoples, communities, nations, cultures and civilizations. ICTs that are bringing about decisive changes in the way cultures are created and communicated also have to meet new social demands. They offer the potential to expand the scope of teaching and learning, breaking through traditional constraints of space and time as well as boundaries of current educational systems. Moves towards learning societies based on the need to acquire new knowledge throughout life.
Technologies especially computer and communication technologies have highly revolutionalized the field of Library and Information Services (LIS). They facilitate collection, storage, organization progressing analysis, presentation, communication and dissemination of data with the introduction of new technology, libraries and information centers are expected to use various types of technology, to provide information more quickly and in greater volume than before. Use of modern technology has a great relevance in the context of fourth law of Library Science – “Save the time of the reader as well as staff”, in which Dr. S. R. Ranganathan recognized the objective related to the internal efficiency of the library.
In this Book, a quick round up over’s the ‘communication technologies’ age in India. Problems of Indian libraries and information centers in having these modern techniques are also discussed.