About The Author

Mr. Cevito Wilson, MA in Events and Conference Management and Msc in Business Information Technology, graduated from the University of Northumbria (UK), Cevito WILSON, is PhD Researcher in Information Technology at the University of Jyvaskyla, Finland. Several years of University lecturing experience and National ICT Coordinator for SOS Children Villages Togo. Cevito, was involved in ICT projects with World Bank and UNHCR. Author of six (6) publications, he is a member of the ACTA Scientific Editorial Board (India). Awarded by the Global Journals of USA, Cevito, is a Fellowship of the Social Sciences Research Council, FSSRC (USA).
About The Book
Empowerment by knowledge information is far better than just giveaway money or food to vulnerable people. As soon as the item is delivered the recipients stay the same with their stagnant living life. The NGOs, humanitarian organizations and the governments social care field works in general in the developing world especially Africa do usually tutorize the life of their various beneficiaries rather than strongly prepare them for a better and autonomous life conditions in the future. Moreover, according to the United Nation, UN the free access to information for everyone is a non-negotiable right. Hence, this book is proposing an Information and Communication Technology for Development, ICT4D or Computer Supported/Assistant Social Work, CSSW concept called Peoplenet that is advocating for the building of ICT based knowledge Bank platform which should share practical knowledge information in any area of activity of the people of developing countries and Africa in particular.
Therefore, this research is exploring several fields including: development and poverty reduction, the ICT participative design, knowledge acquisition and cognitive sciences for individual and collective development. The knowledge acquisition process emphasized in this research is using the Finish based life-based design, LBD methodology to build a relevant infrastructure that should help in the sharing of a developmental information throughout Africa.
Therefore, this book is the product of an inclusive comprehensive research using the above Finish based human design methodology named Life Based Design, LBD in order to stress a better human design for the usefulness and the usability aspect of the dedicated Peoplenet knowledge Bank platforms suggested by the majority of the participants of the different formal life focus groups sessions.
This social media technology-based infrastructure, Peoplenet not only will assure community business development in order to create more jobs and self-employment opportunities but also reinforce social inclusion, social cohesion and diversity as knowledge acquisition is an enabler of individual social and collective development. Government will extensively benefit from a socially stable environment where will co-exist solidarity and love as people are supposed to definitely quit their state of impoverished to live in a more or less prosperous life. And moreover, digital divide will be reduced and comprehensively empowerment of the NGOs activities will also be implemented and the NGO will efficiently reach the beneficiaries of community projects and achieve their programs goals.