About The Book
Audit and Accountancy have been revolutionized by computerisation. During the earlier stage of computerisation, batch processing methods were used so that the auditors were not bothered about processing of information and were treating computers as a black box, never bothering to see what was happening inside it. They were getting input and output statements, registers, ledgers accounts etc. and computers were used only to print them. The real power of computers was never understood or utilized. Even accountants and auditors are so overwhelmed today by the use of mainframes that sometimes we get to hear that the auditor has prepared quality audit reports. It is mandatory for an auditor to perform tasks which until recently did not be existent or were not in the preview of the auditor. If the weaknesses could be controlled in manual environment, then corrective changes could have been easily formulated and suggested which a difficult task to do so. The part of an auditor is changing and a new profession called Information System Auditor (ISA) has emerged. Since, corrective measures for control weakness are difficult to implement, and auditor has to be involved with designing and development of Computerised Information System (CIS). Computer based tools and skills are required to enable the auditors to access, analyse and evaluate the data stored on the computers, since it is not possible to review or evaluate and handle the data manually or mechanically. This book attempts to enlighten the concept of Computerised Information System and its approaches, provisions and standards made by ICAI, review of several experts and a comparative study of audit under Computerized Information System in Public Banks and Private Banks of Mumbai city.
About The Authors

Babita A. Kanojia did M. Com, P.G.D.F.M, UGC-NET, M. Phil and Ph. D form the University of Mumbai. Currently working with Clara’s College of Commerce as head of department in Commerce. She is member of All India Commerce Association and Indian Accounting Association. She has published 7 articles in leading e-journal Suchita Times, SFIMR and published researcher paper in book edited by Atual Bansal.
She also attended and presented papers in conferences, which are published in international (14 paper) and national (18 paper) conferences on different areas. She has published co-author book on Human Resource Accounting: Concepts, Methods and Applications.

Dr. Arvind S. Luhar is a Ph. D, M. Com, MJMC, MBA, LL.M, FDP-IIM and UGC-NET with 21 years of teaching experience at graduation level, 15 years at post graduation level and 10 years experience in guiding research scholars. Presently he is working as a HOD and Associate Professor in Commerce (Accountancy) at I. Y. College, Mumbai. He is having good command over Research Methodology, Human Resource Management and Accounting.
Following are his key achievements in the areas of research and administration:
- Chairman, Board of Studies Accountancy, University of Mumbai.
- Member, Academic Council, University of Mumbai.
- Chairman, Indian Accounting Association, Thane Branch.
- Member, First Court, Central University of Bihar (Nominee of MHRD)
- Member Board of Studies in Accountancy (2011-12 to 2022-23) & Financial Market (2013 to 2016), University of Mumbai.
- Member, BoS in Accountancy for many autonomous colleges of Mumbai.
- Received Samaj Ratna Award – 2018 from National Human Rights & Social Commission.
- Member, College Development Committee.
- District coordinator for last 7 years, DLLE (Extension Activity), University of Mumbai.
- NSS Programme Officer for 5 years at college level.
- Nominee, Joint Director, Higher Education for CAS and direct recruitment.
- Nominee of VC & Subject Expert, University of Mumbai for CAS, direct recruitment, MRP and LIC.
- Successfully guided: 10 Ph. Ds and 15 M. Phils in Commerce in the subject of Accountancy.
- Resource person to YASHDA and UGC – Academic Staff Colleges for Orientation and Refresher Courses.
- Life Member of Indian Commerce Association.
- Award received: Marquies Worlds Who’s Who 2012
- Published many books, articles (Scopus) and presented papers at national and international level academic events.
- Having excellent command over rules and regulations of UGC, State Government and University.
- Selected through MPSC as a lecturer to Government Degree Colleges of Maharashtra State.