About The Authors

Ms. Avani A. Dave, B.Com , M.B.A., AFM (IIM-A), Scholarly Freelancer in the area of finance with enriched experience in the financial services sector besides hands on experience in quantum finance. She possesses excellent analytical ability.

Dr. Ashvin R. Dave, B.Com, M.B.A., IICWAI, Ph.D.- Finance, 44 years of Industrial and Academic Experience. At Present Professor - Finance and Member Academic Council at Pandit Deendayal Energy University (NAAC A++ Ranking), Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India. He is also Honorary Academic Advisor at Kaushalya - The Skill University, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. Contributed several Research Papers in National and International Journals. Consultant for NHAI Infrastructure Projects.

Dr. Ashwin H. Parwani, B.Com, M.Com, M.B.A., Ph.D.- Finance, 20 years of Academic Experience. At Present Assistant Professor - Finance at Pandit Deendayal Energy University (NAAC A++ Ranking), Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India. Contributed several Research Papers in National and International Journals.

Dr. Ashish B. Joshi, B.Com. , M.Com., M.L.W., L.L.M. , PDGM (M.B.A ), PhD., Dr. Joshi has over 18 Years of work experience and the Academic, Consultancy, Corporate and Institutional Development. Dr. Joshi is engaged with International and National level institutions and universities. He has published more than 27 research papers, articles, case studies and reports at National and International level. He has presented 18 research papers in national and international conferences.
About The Book
This book professes scientific approach to financial management. Taking a clue from quantum dynamics theory, it uses reverse retro causal effects to prepare the organization for future actions and events. Using modern statistical techniques it helps in deciding key variables to manage finances in different situations.