About The Authors

Dr. Ashwin H. Parwani, B.Com, M.Com, M.B.A., Ph.D.- Finance, 20 years of Academic Experience. At Present Assistant Professor - Finance at Pandit Deendayal Energy University (NAAC A++ Ranking), Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India. Contributed several Research Papers in National and International Journals.

Dr. Ashvin R. Dave, B.Com, M.B.A., IICWAI, Ph.D.- Finance, 44 years of Industrial and Academic Experience. At Present Professor - Finance and Member Academic Council at Pandit Deendayal Energy University (NAAC A++ Ranking), Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India. He is also Honorary Academic Advisor at Kaushalya - The Skill University, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. Contributed several Research Papers in National and International Journals. Consultant for NHAI Infrastructure Projects.

Dr. Ashish B. Joshi, B.Com. , M.Com., M.L.W., L.L.M. , PDGM (M.B.A ), PhD., Dr. Joshi has over 18 Years of work experience and the Academic, Consultancy, Corporate and Institutional Development. Dr. Joshi is engaged with International and National level institutions and universities. He has conducted and participated in Training Programs, Faculty Development Programs and MDPs on various topics related to Management for industry and society. He has traveled various places in India and abroad for research and institutional development activities.
He has published more than 27 research papers, articles, case studies and reports at National and International level. He has presented 18 research papers in national and international conferences. Two of his papers has been awarded as Best Paper Award and One paper has also been awarded as second best research paper award.
Dr. Joshi has also successfully completed Research Project of Rs. 5.50 Lakh granted from AICTE (All India Council for Technical Education. Eight of research scholars have successfully completed their PhD and currently Four scholars are pursuing PhD under his guidance. Apart from being visiting faculty member, Dr. Joshi is also member of Doctoral / Research Progress Review Committee of various reputed universities. Recently, Dr. Joshi received approval for a Project Grant of Rs. 11 Lakh under a scheme of MHRD, Government of India
About The Book
The research based approach in context of Capital structure is an area which has gained greater importance in last decade. The capital structure has always been one of the most researched topic in finance world. This book discusses the conceptual and practical aspects of capital structure in an easy to understand language. It reflects theoretical and practical aspects that have gained significant importance in capital structure. This book aims to provide a strong conceptual foundation to build the future financial activities and decisions. Beginning with an introduction to the subject, the book discusses different theories of capital structure and variables relationship with capital structure of pharmaceutical sector. The book will be of immense help for financial decision makers to take strategic decisions pertaining to capital structure.
The book is intended to satisfy the long felt need of the students, researchers and corporate managers who were in search of a good book. The teachers and professionals will also find it handy as a source of ready reference.