About The Editors

Dr. Rafi. Syed, received the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from the Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur, India. he is an Academician, Administrator, Content Developer, Innovative Teaching Learning Practitioner, Expertise Enricher and Researcher. He has 12 years of rich experience at various academic, administrative and research capabilities in engineering Institutions and published 7 National & International journals he is member of various national and international professional bodies. At present, he is serving as Assistant Professor, in the Department of Humanities and Sciences Chemistry, PACE Institute of Technology and Sciences (Autonomous), Ongole, India. His work is mainly focused on the Development of New analytical methods for Estimation of various Drugs by using HPLC, UPLC, LCMS/MS Chromatographic technique and also interested to develop drugs by retro synthesis.

Dr. P. Gidyonu, received his M.Sc. Organic chemistry from Yogi vemana university Kadapa and Ph.D. from IICT Hyderabad has 7 years of experience in teaching and research and published 10 national &international journals. He is currently an Assistant Professor at the Department of Humanities and Sciences, PACE Institute of Technology and Sciences (Autonomous), Ongole, India. His work is mainly focused on the Biomass conversions to value- added chemicals by using meso- porous materials.

Professor. Rambabu. Kantipudi, received the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupathi, India.Under his guidance awarded 7 Ph.D. and 1 Mphil degrees, he is an Academician, Administrator, Content Developer.Expertise Enricher and Researcher in Organic,inorganic and physical chemistry. He has 33years of rich experience at various academic, administrative and research capabilities in engineering Institutions and published 108 National & International journals he is member of various national and international professional bodies. At present, he is serving as Professor & HOD to the Department of Chemistry, RVR&JC College of engineering (Autonomous), Guntur, India.

Dr. Raviteja. Gunturu, received the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from the Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur, India. He has 13 years of rich experience at various academic, administrative and research capabilities in engineering Institutions and published 5 National & International journals at present, he is serving as Assistant Professor, in the Department of Humanities and Sciences Chemistry, RVR&JC College of engineering (Autonomous), Guntur, India. His work is mainly focused on the Development of New analytical methods for Estimation of various Drugs by using HPLC, UPLC, LCMS/MS Chromatographic techniques.
About The Book
This book deals with the chemistry of chromogenic reagents, the reactions used in the present investigation. The general methodology for developing new chromatographic methods optimization of experimental conditions (effect of pH, reagent concentration and order of addition, keeping time and temperature during each addition, effect of solvent, colour development and stability) optical characteristics. Selectivity, precision, standard deviation, percent range of error, testing of significance by F-test, accuracy (comparison of the proposed and reference methods of pharmaceutical formulation, testing of significance by t-test and recovery experiments. This research also includes the study of HPLC system components (solvent delivery systems, solvent degassing systems, gradient elution devices, sample introduction systems liquid chromatography detectors, column packing materials inclusive of bonded phase, derivatization, gradient elution), performance calculations (relative retention, theoretical plates, plates per meter, height equivalent to theoretical plate, capacity factor, resolution, peak asymmetry), linear fit properties of solvents used in chromatography and validation of analytical methods(recovery, response function, sensitivity, precision and accuracy). Keeping this in view, an attempt was made by the author in the present investigation to develop new analytical methods for some of the important drugs in pure and pharmaceuticals dosage forms. All the methods described in the book are simple, rapid, reliable and valid. The methods could be used not only for quality control but also for process development of bulk drugs.